Club Championship 2023 - 2024

Unlike other championships, this won’t simply reward the quickest runners who pass the finish line first. Instead, it will recognise those runners who, through dedication to training and racing, see the greatest improvement in their performances. It will allow male and female runners, young and old runners to compete against one another on an even footing. We hope it will be fun – and provide even more post race talking points.

How does it work?

It is all based on WAVA (World Association of Veteran Athletes) Age Grading figures. WAVA log the world record time over standard distances set by athletes of every age and both genders. Age grading is calculated as the percentage of world record pace for your age and gender. So, if the world record for a 10k by a 50 year old woman is 30 minutes and you (also a 50 year old woman in this example!!) run your 10k in 1 hour, your age grading will be 50%.

Throughout the year, the age grading achieved by every club member in Parkruns, club time trials and any other timed race is recorded. At the end of September, your average age grading for the year is calculated (outliers – for example when you paced slower runners – are excluded!) This is set as your “starting age grading” for the season ahead.

For each of the designated championship races, runners’ age grading figures are calculated. These are then compared with their starting figure for the year. The runner who achieves the highest percentage improvement in that race is awarded 200 points. The next best 199 and so on.

During the year, a runner’s best 8 performances count (i.e. if you do 9 championship races, your lowest score is discarded). As new runners join the club, their recent results (if any) are examined and used to set a starting age grading so they can join in part way through a year. If there are not at least 3 race results available for a runner (for example, because they are new to running) their starting age grading will only be calculated after they have done their first 3 races with the club.

As last year there are no designated marathons in the championship. Instead, any club runner who runs an officially timed marathon may score for that marathon. To do so you MUST nominate it as your championship marathon in advance of the race by informing Mark Armitage ( The times achieved by all runners in nominated marathons will be used to calculate age gradings and championship points as if they had been achieved in a single event. Only one marathon can score for a runner during the championship year. You must nominate your marathon before it is run.

There are few rules for the championship. One is that you MUST wear your club vest/T-shirt in order to score points. There are permitted exceptions, for example if you are raising money for a charity (in a marathon for example) and have been asked to wear the charity shirt in that event.

It is hoped that the championship will challenge you to run more competitive races, to race over different distances from your ‘usual’ and most of all, to have fun.

Which races qualify?


February 2023
Hadleigh Park Run


February 2023
SE Essex XC League - Benfleet
1 October 2023Southend 10K
5 November 2023Billericay 10K
12 November 2023Stebbing 10 Mile
26 November 2023Benfleet XC - Hadleigh
17 December 2023Turkey Trot
21 January 2024Benfleet 15
24 February 2024Hadleigh Parkrun
3 March 2024Chelmsford Half
17 March 2024Essex 20
24 March 2024Brentwood Half
27 April 2024Southend Parkrun
11 May 2024Chalkwell Beach Parkrun
19 May 2024Great Baddow 10 Mile
2 June 2024Rayleigh 10K
9 June 2024Southend Half
15 June 2024Railway Children ULTRA Marathon (30 Mile or 50 Mile)
8 July 2024Two Tree Time Trial
28 July 2024Salad Trot
17 August 2024Hockley Woods Parkrun
7 September 2024Chalkwell Beach Parkrun
20 September 2024Track Mile Plus Other Fun
Plus any pre nominated Marathon – (see rules)
2024/2025 Season
6 October 2024Southend 10K and Children's 3K
27 October 2024Leigh-on-Sea 10K
Plus any pre nominated Marathon – (see rules)

Past Winners


Sam McGee


Jess Ellis

1554 Pts

Steve Joslin


Ryan Gillard

1585 Pts

Arran Salmon

1597 Pts

Claire Downham

1596 Pts

Elliot Cone

1598 Pts

Niki Read

1600 Pts

Fiona Walker

Latest Standings

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